Thursday, January 3

I Set up a Blogger account

Well, the server I was hosting my blog on died about 6 months ago. I have been meaning to get something else up, but I just don't seem to choose to spend my time doing this. Then I thought, there is this large thing called the Internet where people are willing to host my ramblings in their data center. Always up, no effort on my part, sounds great!


Philly.NET Code Camp on Jan 12th!!!

This is going to be a big event. We have over 50 speakers and over 400 registered. This is possible because DeVry University at Ft. Washington, PA has donated ample space and the many other partners for this event. So check out the site and register for the event.

I organized the architecture track and it looks to be a really good event. The alt.Net track looks interesting also.

Should be a fun day and you get lunch on top of it.