Friday, June 7

Teaching Programming to Middle Schoolers

I can't believe that there is no programming instruction at my sons middle school. How can this be since developers are basically ruling the world these days. So, I am going to take matters in my own hand and start a Code Club this Fall. I have a few months to crate the content and curriculum. I found this site called Codecademy and am thinking of generating the content here as the students could then use the site to code from home or school. I am looking at teaching them javascript as it is very versatile from creating websites to creating servers with node.js. I was teaching my son some node.js and he was thinking that this was cool. So this is what I am looking at doing, I think it would be cool to create a simple chat server with node.js and put together a basic game with chat. I am looking at mangojs for the game engine. I will generate the content myself that way no need to worry about copyrights. Maybe we can even get into git and github in the advance version in the year. Too much? I am always a little over ambitious, but you don't accomplish great things without pushing things a bit right? I will keep everyone posted on this as I go along.