Saturday, April 19

Philly.NET Code Camp II 2008

Mark your calendars now for May 17th and look for the announcement at the Philly.Net Web site!

Next Philly IASA Architecture Meeting May 7th

Next IASA Meeting will be on May 7th at the Microsoft offices in Malvern, PA at 6:00pm.
Click here for map and directions

It looks like Max Zilberman will speak on Enterprise Architecture and .NET. I have seen this talk and it is a great presentation, so come out and lets talk architecture.

Maturing the .NET in the Enterprise - an Architect Perspective

Learn the reasons for common pitfalls and issues most organizations face while developing .NET solutions. Get insights on how enterprise frameworks can assist with delivery of world class systems predictively and efficiently.

Max Zilberman is an Enterprise Framework Architect at Aetna where he is resposible for setting the technical direction of the ,NET Center of Excellence. With over 12 years of experience, he has helped organizations like Verizon, Deuche Bank, Morgan Stanley, AT&T to create highly scalable enterprise systems. Aside from his interests in enterprise .NET applications, he has participated as an advisor to a number of Microsoft internal product teams.

I have been in Seattle for the week

I attended the MVP summit and learned about what is coming in the next view versions of Visual Studio, C# and VB.NET plus a slew of other things. Most all of it is under NDA of course, so I won't be mentioning most of that right away. I went to a session on ASP.NET MVC and wrote a basic application with it in about an hour. It works pretty well, though if you are familiar with Web forms you may think you have gone back to asp pages. The key benefits is that the controllers and models are easy to write unit tests for, especially with some of the changes coming in the next version. It would be interesting to hook up some different views to the engine like velocity templates or something. I will post some examples next week after I am able to get some rest. You can download the latest version (and also the source) along with many sample and tutorials at the ASP.NET MVC site.